Welcome To Our Garden

Monday, November 9, 2009

First OB appointment

Thanks for all the m/s remedies. I pretty much tried them all and I'm not so sure they worked but I'm happy to say I'm now feeling better and able to rejoin the world. I still feel a little crappy but the horrible sick feelings and extreme blahness has left. I now have energy to actually do more than just get up, shower and go to work. I can't do much before I get wiped out but it's more than I could accomplish in the first 6-8 weeks.

I noticed that I was feeling a bit better right around 8 weeks and by the next week I was up and about. It actually kind of scared me. I mean I had been so sick for almost 8 weeks and then "poof" I'm all better. It freaked me out but the OB reassured me that it was normal...that its ok for symptoms to ease off around the end of the first trimester. (She better be right)

So we had our first OB appt Friday. Everything went great. They weighed me, which I wasn't too thrilled about :o( but I guess I better used to rising numbers huh? They drew alot of blood, offered me the H1N1 shot, which I accepted, I peed in the cup and was sent to the room to wait for our new OB. (Dr K from the previous visits wasn't available so we had to pick a new one.) Dr P was great. We really liked her. She set our minds at ease and was totally ok with "us". We expressed our fears about another miscarriage and how scared we were due to my symptoms disappearing and guess what she did?! She gave us an unscheduled ultra sound!! We got to see our little flowers BEATING heart again!! Thank GOD! And again, she/he is still measuring a little bit a head of schedule....by one day. So far so good!

Dr P answered our list of questions including one about a swollen gland under my right arm pit. It did the same thing with the twins pregnancy but eventually went away but this one seems to be sticking around longer and it kind of hurts when I rub on deodorant or push on it. So I'll be having a mammogram and pit scan this coming Friday.

Our next ultrasound, the dating or formal scan as Dr P called it is scheduled for November 20. We'll be just over 11 weeks by then. We've never been able to make it past 10 weeks so Lord knows we're praying this scan shows all is well!

After that our next OB visit will be Dec 11...just past 14 weeks.

So far so good!



Liz said...

yay!!! so glad to hear all is well... and that you are feeling better, kim!! xo

Jilliebean said...

I am so happy for you guys! We'll keep the prayers going for the 11th week sono to be great, with a busy little jumping bean in there!

Teaberry said...

Sounds good so far!! We are happy to read an update!! That was awesome that your doctor gave you a sono like that-- I have to beg! :)

NJ MOMS said...

We have been waiting for your post!
WOO HOO!! So glad to hear that everything is going good!
We feel like we know you after following your blog for so long now!
Let's start planning the cyber baby shower now!!!LOL!!!

Congrats again!
Tiffany & Erin

BTW- I gained a ton of weight with both of my pregnancies - but it's all worth it!
It will come off! :-)

Anonymous said...

SO VERY glad to hear you news ...
I have now become a weekly stalker !
Sending you all my lve and butterfly kisses from maine !
PS,,, holy crap my word verification is ....
grammun !!!! good sign !!!!!!!!!

Merr said...

Woo Hoo!! Enjoy every minute of it!! You guys deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely thrilled for you and sending you happy thoughts your way! Keep us posted. I sympathize with the m/s symptoms too. I'm glad they are easing up. Go, little flower!

welcome2ourworld said...

This sounds great :) I am really happy for you. Like Merr said: you guys really, really deserve this :) You are going to be mommies :)

Anonymous said...

praying everyday for you!! Congrats oxox jo