Well, thankfully, as you can see, there's something in there!
Our little flower measured in at 2 days ahead with a healthy heart rate of 159 bpm.
We've been released to our OB.
Our first OB appointment is November 6.
Thank you God!
Oh and if morning sickness is any indication of a healthy baby....then we've got a winner! I feel like crap morning, noon and night! Loving it of course but my word. Ginger ale is my new best friend. Any suggestions to help ease the queasiness would be greatly appreciated.
One day at a time.
Great site! Best of luck!
CONGRATULATIONS. So happy for you two
How wonderful. I can relate to your constant yuckiness though. For my entire first trimester the only thing I could always keep down was peanut butter on bread. Sandwich form or toast, that was it. Even brushing my teeth made me gag. But it is a sign of a growing baby, and that makes it all worth it!
Been stalking your website to see the good news!
Lemon drops always worked great for morning sickness. Also, Ritz crackers are a good snack.
Whoohooo! Fantastic news!
sooooo happy for you guys! and thrilled you feel like crap : )
no words of wisdom....but i walked around with a pacakge of saltines for the 1st 20 weeks....yeah - sorry - mine lasted all the way to 20 weeks...
good luck!
Anything tart or sour helped me. Sour candies, lemonade etc.
Awww what acute little baby!!! Again so super happy for you!!
I couldnt be happier for you guys !
hugs from maine !
Awesome news! So happy for you!
So happy to hear this!!!
I had morning sickness for the whole first trimester... honestly, the only thing I could eat was spaghetti or fruit cups, mostly peaches. I wish I had a cure all, but I never found the answer! Best wishes!
We are SOOO excited for you guys!
Awwww, yay! Thanks for sharing! :)
sweeeeet! that is the best photo ever!!
yeah, i don't have any great advice about the sickness stuff. i felt blah for a while..smells bothered me... i existed on starbursts, egg salad, and potato chips!
Yay for your sweet flower!! I had terrible morning sickness with my second pregnancy for the first five months...then I realized it was my pre-natal vitamin making me so sick since I took it in the morning. So, I took that after dinner every night and away went my crappy-all-day-long feeling. I ate a few saltine crackers along the way too which helped with the first pregnancy for sure! Good luck and hope you start feeling better soon!
Great Picture! So happy for you both!
Saltine crackers always worked for me. I carried them everywhere I went! Whenever I felt sick, I ate a few, and it helped! Nausea means nice high HCG levels. So it's a good thing!
ginger biscuits!!
oh and you need a ticker, we were trying to remember how far along you are.... ticker!! :-)
we are So happy for you!
thrilled for you!
What a beautiful scan photo! YEAH!
No morning sickness advice. Sorry.
Fabulous news!!
Love it!!!! I have no help with morning sickness.. as I was one of the lucky ones without it. I bet you will get some great responses though!
I wasn't sick myself....but heard that if you are before you even sit up in yoru bed eat a cracker. ONe should be enough. BUT, dont' sit up. Dunno who told me that but she said it worked for her!
I found Minty gum to work for me!
And what a beautiful first photo it is!!!
Try B Natal lozenges (I liked the sour apple flavor). They are vitamin B lozenges that completely took the edge of the nausea for me when I was pregnant. I couldn't find them at the pharmacy, so I ended up Googling them and finding them online...
Congrats again!
YAY!!! Congratulations! There is nothing more beautiful than a little growing baby!! So happy for you guys!
woohoo for first pics!
so happy ...so full of goosebumps and soooo feeling your YUCKS! with the morning sickness...I was very queezy with Aspen...couldn't even put my hand in the dirty dishwater without upchucking! WHOLE CLOVES... I put them in my tea to calm a yucky belly
love you both xoxoxoxo
just eat. that's what DP did. Crackers. Ovaltine. Take your folic acid. drink smoothies.
oh, and remind yourself that it will pass.
peppermints/peppermint oil is known to calm down the queasiness. good luck and congrats!
Love the photo, and that is definitely a strong hb! Sorry about the m/s tho. Mine was never too bad, but it's gotten worse lately. I puke when brushing my teeth. haha. Hope it eases up for you - i hear those prego pops are supposed to work?
Love the new countdown calendar,, think i will put one on my home page of facebook !
loving you !
and baby boo !
XOXOXOXOXOX from maine
oh... ps drink peppermint tea !
it helps your tummy !
Happy Halloween !
baby boo !
Try seabands, they ROCK
It's been a while since I have been to your site!! Congratulations!!! I am super happy for the two of you, couldn't have happened to a better couple! =)
Crystal Light lemonade ALWAYS works for the morning noon and night sickness....ALWAYS...Post if it works for you too.
checking in from maine !
sending hugs !
Oh my gosh. You have a ladybug. She is so cute. Saltine crackers were my friend for first three months. Also no coffee or bacon. Brings up bilious feeling immediately. No even smelling bacon cooking. It was weird but I could never drink coffee for nine months. Maybe it was natures way of protecting the baby. I am over the moon seeing this ultra sound. Finally.
Keep checking in.... thinking of you and hope things are good. with love xx
Any news???
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