Welcome To Our Garden

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

THE catch up post

Get ready!


3 months in one post!

10/12 -Rolled over. We turned our back for one minute and missed the first time but got the second roll on video.

10/15 -Drank pear juice to help go #2. It worked. :o)

10/16 -Ate oatmeal for the first time at 5 1/2 months old. Liked it.

10/20 - Slept all night in her crib. We got up numerous times during the night to check on her but she was out like a light all night long. Mommies on the other hand didn't. :o)

10/22 - We made contact with another 1/2 sibling, a 3 year old brother in Canada.

10/31 - Dressed up as a FLOWER for Halloween.

11/2 -Sat up unassisted for almost a minute

11/3 - Ate peas for the first time. She did NOT like them. Gagged and spit them out!

11/4 -Weighed 15.2 lbs at her 6 month check up. Got 4 shots and a Donald Duck sticker for her baby book. Tried peas again. Still a no go.

11/6 - Tried lima beans. Another no go. Saw Santa for the first time...didn't cry. Sitting up on her own now.

11/7 - Mommys made applesauce, avocado and sweet potato with an awesome steamer/food processor. (Thanks to Teaberry and her baby food processor post). Tried lima beans again....still not feeling them.

11/8 - Had avocado for first time. She liked it! Loves to watch Mundy Dog. Laughed out loud when we tickled her hips and ribs.

11/9 - Laughed out loud on the phone with Granny. Ate oatmeal and avocado. Rode in the shopping cart seat like a big girl.

11/10 - Had her first big girl poop. :o) ( We keep records of everything!)

11/11 - Took her first and last 2 hour nap.

11/12 - Had carrots for the first time. Liked them. Pooped in Mommy M's hand at bath time. :o)

11/14 - Stayed overnight in hotel and rode in elevator with Mommys for first time.

11/15 - First night away from Mommy M. First night without the baby monitor on at night.

11/18 - Green beans for first time...made faces but atleast she didn't gag. Found another 1/2 brother in PA.

11/21 - Sweet potatoes for first time....liked them.

11/24 - Squash for first time...like them. Left for KY for Thanksgiving.

11/25 - First Thanksgiving. Ate a bite of mashed potatoes with gravy. Uncle Greg snuck her a bite of sweet potato pie....she like it. Watched Macys parade.

11/26 - Ate papaw's pears...liked them.

11/29 - Helped Mommys put up her first Christmas tree. Peed on Mommy M while getting ready for bath.

12/2 - Bought her first Christmas stocking and ornament. In #3 diapers now. "talking" alot, blowing spit bubbles, likes to stand, sitting really good. Everything goes in her mouth. Diapers were getting so stinky we had to move the diaper genie from her room to the laundry room. P-U!

12/3 - Got flu booster shot.

12/4 - 7 months old. Bought her Christmas dress and shoes. Dressed her in snowman jammies for the first time and it snowed!

12/5 - Woke up to her first snow. Had lunch with Santa at Busch Gardens Christmas Town. Sat in Santa's lap and didn't cry. Mommy M said this was THE REAL Santa. :o) Very cold outside...in the 30s...she was bundled up like Ralphie's brother from A Christmas Story...didn't like that at all!

12/9 - Watched Baby Einstein Christmas video and didn't take her eyes off it! We call her Tootie-Pop, Garbonzo Bean and Pterodactyl ( I had no idea this started with a P) because she makes screeching dinosaur noises.

12/13 - Slept in her reindeer jammies and woke up to snow again. We call them her magic jammies now. Woke up during the night with snots....long night. Called the doc and she called in some cough meds.

12/14 - Still really snotty. Took her in for her first sick visit and the doc said she was fine...just had a cold. Told us she had "parent -itis"....over active parents.

12/17-12/22 - In KY for Christmas with Mommy Kim's family. She played with her cousins Caylee (2 YO) and Jax (1.5 YO). Made her first snowman and snow angel. Had her first sink bath. Lifts her arms up to us when we say "up".

12/24 - Christmas Eve. Had Christmas at M's parents. Got lots of toys. Mommy M put together her Santa present. Had cantaloupe....liked it.

12/25 - First Christmas! She slept til 0730!! Yay for Mommies since she's usually up at 0600-0630. We wore matching jammies, she got too many toys. Started snowing around 4 pm.

12/26 - Woke up to 5 inches of snow...almost 10 inches by late evening. We bundled her up and took her out to get pics in the snow.

12/27 - Ate chicken...mixed it with carrots and she ate it no problem.

12/28 - Drooling alot, chewing on her gums but still no teeth.

12/31 - New Years Eve. Peaches...liked them. Went to Christmas Town again. Watched fireworks...well we did..Gracie slept thru most of them.

1/1/11 - New Years Day. She had her bottle at 0630 and went back to bed until 0930! She really likes avocados with stuff mixed in them. Bald spot is finally filling in. We now call her our cute-a-potomus.

1/2 - Yogurt...liked it.

1/4 - 8 months old. Fell asleep in your highchair...if the kid would take naps this wouldn't happen. :o)

1/9 - Tried curly noodles...not filling them yet. She didn't like that they stuck to her fingers.

1/11 - Honeydew...liked it. She fed herself banana puffs. Blowing lots of raspberries. LOTS

1/12 - We took her back to the Jones Institute to meet the docs who helped make her. Laughed out loud watching Mommy M and Mundy play.

1/13 - Loves to play with out sweatshirt strings.

1/14 - Pinto beans....loved them. Laughed at the broom.

1/19 - Has eaten bananas, peaches, pears, honeydew, mango, rice cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, chicken, pinto beans, avocado, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, lima beans aka llama beans and carrots. We are happy to say that she likes it all and it's all mommy made stuff.


Lots of pics coming tomorrow!


dianep said...

what a great way to sum up a few months--it will be fun for her to look back on when she's older.

Anonymous said...

Wow you do keep track of everything! I never did a baby book with my first, this makes me realize I need to with this baby! He's 7 and I remember none of that stuff, except the major milestones. Bad mama. :/ Can't wait for the pics, she's the cutest!

loony said...

love your record keeping! I tried too, but when Ryki arrived things got all jumbled together... IE/ I finally put together little baby books for the two of them and Aspen asked 'why did I have a peepee when I was first born' ...big OOPS and big CHUCKLE! LOL
pee'n and poo'n on M's hand...LOLOL
Thanks so much for sharing your adventures in mommyhood... whatta fantastic joy!

Teaberry said...

Pinto beans-- that's a good idea! I am glad you were insprired by my baby food post. I still use the machine even now! :)