Welcome To Our Garden

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

25 weeks

Things are moving right along.

I feel as big as a house.

We took a short trip home to Kentucky this past weekend and was semi-surprised (we figured it out...lol) with a family mini baby shower....more of a baby sprinkle. :0)

We got lots of pink stuff including the hand made cradle that my papaw made for me 36 years ago.

And of course there was food.

And my how maternity clothes have changed! This is my mom with a maternity dress she wore with me!

Mom even re-did my old room all in pink. I think she's a little excited.

Our next appointment is a couple of weeks away. The glucose test.

I'm feeling good and enjoying feeling our little girl moving all about.


Briannon Lee said...

Haha wow I love your old room re-done in pink! It's so nice to have family support and excitement! Take care, B

Lizzie said...

I'm just thrilled for you and thrilled by how your family is embracing their grandchild. Joy, joy, joy.

laura w said...


Mina said...

How wonderful! Your family is so sweet! I'm glad you are doing so well, sweetie!

Teaberry said...


Your mom's dress is hilarious! I think you should wear it sometime and take a picture, then pass it to your daughter when she has her first baby!

Sparroweye said...

I get such a rush of yellow coming here. And I get all excited when I see an update. You guys look great. And what a great papaw.

Anonymous said...

You should totally wear the dress! It's one of those things that's so ugly it's cute. Kind of like a bulldog. :)

Liz said...

i'm w/ candy- i love coming here and reading your updates.

so freaking excited for you two!!

Anonymous said...

You look fantastic! What a lucky little girl you have in there. :)

So excited for all of you!

Gpawilli said...

OMG - I havent stopped in in a while and am so happy to see that things are progresing along WONDERFULLY!

Just one thing... I want to see a picture of you in your mother's maternity outfit!!! :)


Sarah said...

you look great!!!

Anonymous said...

Popping in from Maine , things have been crazy busy here but you are in my every thought every day ,i LOVE that your mom did your room in pink , tell her I love her and send hugs from Maine !
love and butterfly kisses !


NJ MOMS said...

I am so happy for you! I have been reading your blog for so long, I feel like I know the both of you!!!!!
Your little girl is so lucky to be part of such a wonderful family! Hugs!!!
Tiffany & Erin

tammy said...

so happy for you both!!!!!xoxo

cannylass, aka Andrea_44 said...

I haven't been here for a while, but I'm so excited to see the updates. So happy for you and M and that you are doing so well. Enjoy! xo

Anonymous said...

sending you love on st pattys day !!!!!!!!!

look in the mail for a surprise coming !!!!

from Maine

Teaberry said...

Hi, Kim and M! Any news??