Welcome To Our Garden

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The results are in and...

We have a new President.

Virginia is a blue state for the first time in like 50 years.

We're not pregnant.

We never will be.

We're not trying anymore.

Apparently the man upstairs has different plans for us.

We'll let you know what they are when we know.

Thank you all for being so supportive.

We wish you all healthy babies and happy families.


laura said...

Like all who follow your journey- I was so hoping for you again. Please dont give up all hope. You know you can get pregnant- and every one of us who drops by KNOWS you both would make fantastic parents.
You are thought of often-

ohchicken said...

thinking of you both and grateful to be part of your journey.

much love to you today.

Liz said...


N said...

I'm so sorry. Thinking of you.

Michelle said...

All our love and support... always.


Michelle & Dawn

Unknown said...

I am sorry guys. Please don't take offense to me asking.. but have you considered IVF? I know I was devastated when my IUI's didn't work... but IVF did and I am so glad I did it. Just wanted to check with you on that. whatever you decide... good luck to you girls.

Anonymous said...

Please don't give up all hope ladies! Maybe try other avenues. I just know you would make great parents.

Thinking about you.

Andrea_44 in Canada

Penny said...





butterfly kisses


Anonymous said...

I've followed your journey and cheered for you. Choosing to stop is such a momentous choice. I hope that you have lots of love and support as you transition away from TTC. I'll still be cheering for you, whatever the next steps might be.

Chris said...

*lots of hugs and love*

MT said...

I just wanted to give you my love and support.

La said...

Oh, I am so sorry. The journey is long and hard. I wish I had a magic wand for us both. We will be praying for you.

Big hugs.

Anonymous said...

what ever you both decide i will support you.

somehow someday y'all will be mommas. do not know which way it will happen. rest your body - your sweet souls and know that you are needed and the best is yet to come - i feel it.

i send you both prayers and light and love. may you always walk in peace and beauty...

take care and be safe. blessings...palestar

Meredith said...

I don't know what to say, but wanted to at least comment to tell you that I'm thinking about you two and hope you can settle comfortably into whatever decision you make/made. Good luck with whatever the future brings. :)
And oh yeah, AWESOME news about VA going blue. We couldn't get that done until I move out of state, huh?

Ninefirefly said...

I'm so sorry. There are no words. I hope you can heal each other and find what you are looking for. Namaste.

Heidi said...

I tried to call you, but of course I can't find your number.


love you both.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. Take sometime for you. Much peace to you both!~

Anonymous said...

Sending you love today.

Jen said...

I'm so sorry. You both are in our thoughts.

Michelle said...

Im so sorry. Dont give up hope. Maybe just a break? If you read up on my story, we did 9 IUI's and 1 IVF and had 2 miscarriages. I was at my end of the rope. We now have a 3 month old adopted daughter. I wish the best for you both.

Sparroweye said...

Just giving you a big Hug. And you are in my heart.

Anonymous said...

thinking of you and sending love and hugs my sista's

Anonymous said...

I'm very, very sorry things didn't work out for you this time. But if you really want to make it happen... why give up? In just two weeks you can try again!

Many of us have been on the TTC journey for years and through all of the heartache can find ourselves pregnant.

My partner and I tried 18 cycles. I had two miscarriages. I'm now 7 months pregnant.

As absolutely devastating as miscarriages are, I found it a relief to know I could at least get pregnant. Many TTCers don't even know if it's a possibility for them.

It's so ok to wallow in your pain... I know I sure did! But with every failure comes a new try-- whether it be through IVF, IUI, ICI, or even adoption. But no path is an easy one.

tbean said...

Thinking of you and holding you close to my heart. I'm so sorry. hugs.

Merr said...

Oh damn for real?
I am so sorry!
Don't give up, NEVER give up!!!

suburban dyke said...

Let’s fight back on Proposition 8. Let’s boycott California wines, produce and travel. Let’s publicize it. Let’s embarrass them. It worked a few years ago in Colorado. What do say?

PS Good luck and go VA.

Anonymous said...

I completely understand. After five years of trying to adopt first, we now received BFN #8 today.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you both. The only thing I can hope for you is peace, however that may look to you.

Peace and calm,

sarah said...

you are in my heart... do i need to drive down there and give you both a hug in person?

Anonymous said...

Oh Ladies. I'm sorry to hear it.
I agree with many here but I know that you will deal with this in your OWN time. The options, what's good for you, what's not. It's for you both to decide. Whatever that is, Know that I am there with you in support.

Unknown said...

Although I am saddened that you won't be getting pregnant again anytime soon, I truly read this post as a hopeful one. Full of positive energy.
I am hoping that the new direction you are heading into will leave you both happy.

Caroline said...

I am a lurker and just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you today...

Anonymous said...

So sorry. You guys need to decide what's right for you of course! I did want to say, though, that 6 tries is the *average* for getting and staying pregnant for folks doing IUI. There are certainly good arguments for moving forward, trying again, and maybe succeeding. Six tries just doesn't seem like that many to be giving up.But of course I'm not you guys and only you know what's right for your family.

Lizzie said...

Big hug and love and support, no matter what you decide, where you go, or how you get there. I'm sorry it is so painful right now.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are feeling so low. ((Hugs))

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Take this time to grieve, rest and reflect. A new day will come and you'll both find the path you're supposed to be on. You've got so much support from all of us out here for whatever you ultimately decide.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to follow your journey.....wherever it may go. we are here supporting you no matter what decision you make. much love to you both today and always.

Teaberry said...

hugs to you both....

elainem22 said...

thinking of you...xo

wimomz said...

so so sorry 2 hear this news
love will find a way
u 2 r destined 2 parent

Anonymous said...

Kim and M

We are there with you in Spirit...our soul sisters.

Completely get the space you are in and we will always be here to support you in whatever you do.

Feel your feelings..know loving hugs surround you...adore you..respect you

Thanks so much for continuing to share your journey..again, we love you very very much

Hold on tight to each other and give Mundy a hug from us

Denise and Peg