Welcome To Our Garden

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Donor stuff

M and I have decided to change donors again. This will be our 3rd.

We got pregnant the first 2 times with donor #1 and after the 2nd loss decided to switch. His goods may not have had anything to do with the losses but we just couldn't take that chance. He was CMV positive. The doc said that didn't matter but I can't help but think it might have.

We used donor #2 the last 2 times and got negatives. I guess we're a "2 strikes and you're out" kinda couple. :o) (He is CMV negative)

Our new donor, #3, is also CMV negative. His baby pic shows the same blond hair and blue eyes as M's. I know that doesn't mean our child will FOR SURE have blond hair and blue eyes but since we get the opportunity to pick....we're picking!

The consent form for #3 is in the mail. So as soon as they receive it, we'll be ordering the next round of swimmers. I guess we'll go with 2 vials again this time and have them shipped. (no more truck troubles for me!!)

Oh and for those of you "in the market" for swimmers....Fairf*x Cryob*nk has free baby pics and silhouettes on ALL donors this month!


Dee said...

Good luck girls! I hope this is the one!!!!!!

BTW - I changed our blog name. We can now be found at raisingrileyjoe.blogspot.com.

Merr said...

Here's to lucky number 3!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great plan! i hope #3 does the trick!

Anonymous said...

Third Times a Charm!!!!! =)I can't wait !!!!! Thinking of you! Crossing fingers toes and anything else that I can get crossed!! =)

Teaberry said...

Sweet!! We can't wait to see the baby pictures from the donors we've picked. We're so psyched they're free this month...

And, best wishes!! Will you be coming up here to pick them up??

Unknown said...

Congrats on picking the new donor!

Michelle said...

Hey Ladies,

All our best wishes this time around!! We like a couple of donors from there as well but we are still not hooked on a particular one. We are looking at blond/blue too b/c of Dawn. We feel the same way, Doesn't guarantee anything but may as well pick since we have the chance to. Hope all goes well.

Michelle & Dawn

tbean said...

We switch donors a lot as well. Can't hurt--hopefully number 3 for the donor is your lucky number.

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping you see two pink lines soon!! Prayers and love to you both:) oxox jo

Anonymous said...

love and yellow to 2 great ladys , wach and see a flower would bloom soon u see , love ya ladys and i and crossing my fingers also , god bless u always ... love josie posie osie

La said...

It comes in three's! Praying for you both.

Mimi said...

what does cmv mean?

Meredith said...

Good luck!

musicalprose said...

Mybe the third donor is the charm ;)

Gpawilli said...

a1234567While I sit here with crossed fingers for ya.... remember to cross your legs (well afterwards at least.)

Thinking of you always

Anonymous said...

thinking of u 2 a lot
and knowing it is meant to be
u 2 WILL be fantastic moms'
and it will happen
we love and miss u
xoxo rosa

Anonymous said...

Hope this donor brings good luck!! I'm excited for you both!!!! Lots of good luck and good wishes are being sent your way!!! xo

Anonymous said...

I hope this time it works. I didn't realize you could see baby pictures of donors. That's a great idea. However, many cute babies grow up to be-- how shall I put it? --less than cute.

Unknown said...

Number 3 is my lucky number! I have a good feeling on this one Kim and M!

Carrie said...

hey did you use fairfax for the other donors? im having serious issues with them right now. im really curious what your sperm counts were with the other vials. is there a way you could find out? feel free to email me offline at cpeterson at hotmail dot com. thx!

Holly said...

Good luck! Sometimes a change is good for the karma.

Anonymous said...

Third time is a charm!!!
Robin & Desi

Anonymous said...

If both parents have blue eyes then the child will have blue or green eyes.

End of story.

Not possible to have brown.