Welcome To Our Garden

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


HPI? Hours past insemination people! It's never too early to start the countdown!

The deed is done. Finally! Talk about delays!!

I left the house at 10:15 this morning. My appointment was at 11:15. It's about a 45 minute drive so that should have been plenty of time right? WRONG! I cruise along for about 10 minutes and then STOP! I sat on the freaking interstate for 50 minutes! SAT! NOT moving! For 50 minutes! I finally got moving again at 11:05. That gave me 10 minutes to make a 35 minute drive.

Needless to say...I was late. I had several freak out moments! I called the doctors office ALOT! I said too many bad words. I blew up M's phone with text messages. I said alot of prayers. I thought of driving on the shoulder. I thought of flipping a u-turn. I got flipped the bird TWICE by drivers cutting ME off! I drove WAY too fast..once the traffic started moving.

I made it.

And then had to wait for the doctor. For 45 minutes!! I walked in the clinic at 11:50. Just in time for everyone to take their lunch breaks! I found a vending machine, got some cheetos, a bottle of water, found a seat and tried my best to calm down and relax.

My name was called around 12:35 and shortly after the swimmers were on their way! The doc had a little bit of trouble getting the catheter into my cervix but she wiggled it around..ouch..and got it in position.

I laid there for 15 minutes with my legs crossed, praying for this one to work then I was gone.
I drove thru Chick-fil-a for lunch and then over to the pharmacy to pick up my bullets aka progesterone.

Now here I sit, crossed legged with my kokopelli socks on, watching the clock.


Anonymous said...

Oh Dear,,,, OMG.....OH SHI****

WELL , you made it and now we wait..............and wait .................and wait...........
I never thought I would say this , but I cant wait to be a NANA again ,
this little one is going to be so spoiled by me......

Okay.. so I will breath , you got there , and all is swimming,,,,, now we wait... and wait.............and wait .............................

sending butterfly kisses and hugs from Maine, I am so proud of you guys and so happy to be part of your journey .....

Is Butterfly a girls name? LOL
hugs Penny

La said...

Whew...I'm exhausted just reading it. More waiting.....but praying happy thoughts to pass the time.

Lizzie said...

Sorry it was a stressful drive! Fingers crossed for you!

Unknown said...

Swim little guys, swim!

tammy said...

woooooo hooooooo for 3 HPI!xoxo sending ya lots of love!!

Melissa said...

YAY!! Hope the TWW goes by quickly for you.

Teaberry said...

My fingers are SO crossed for you two this time. With all that trouble, what a great story it will be to tell...

Best wishes!!

Anonymous said...


welcome2ourworld said...

Those socks are cool :) Where did you get them ? And, of course, good luck to the both of you :)

Kim aka Mommy said...

The socks came from www.kokopelli.com

Meredith said...

I hope all that frustration makes the rest of the process easier! Noah was conceived on a frozen, icy day in February, after we were stuck in traffic for about an hour. We're crossing our fingers for you!

Anonymous said...

good luck!!

Merr said...

Woo hoo! What a crazy start!

Anonymous said...

God blees u, and Fingers, toes and everything cross .. and lots of love

Liz said...

oh.... i feel like i always say it but i do mean it...i am thinking of you and m. wishing you all the best! xo

ps--love the socks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I have those exact same socks. I got mine in Las Vegas. I will wear them for you for good luck!

Ali said...

Yeah! everything crossed :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!!!!!!

You keep those legs crossed and why don't you put them above your head just in case LOL!!

I'm crossing everything I physically can for you guys!