Welcome To Our Garden

Monday, June 2, 2008

I used to like numbers...not so much anymore

We should be having twin flowers any day now...

but we're not.

I wish we were.

I wish I could forget dates.

I wish I would stop thinking about the day I started.

I wish I could stop thinking about the day we got a positive OPK.

I wish I could stop thinking about the day we had our IUI.

I wish I could stop thinking about the day we got our BFP.

I wish I could stop thinking about the day we saw the heartbeats.

I wish I could stop thinking about the day we didn't see the heartbeats.

I wish I could stop thinking about the day our flowers were taken from us.

I wish life was fair.

I wish GOD would give us a break.

I wish, I wish, I wish.


Anonymous said...

I wish all those things for you too. I wish all the bad would go away and you'd have plenty of room to fill it up with the good.
Big hug to you.

Liz said...

i'm wishing right along w/ you...xo

tbean said...

I'm so sorry Kim.

It is so unfair.

You are brave and strong.


Merr said...

I totally feel your pain, believe me! I wish it was easier for us.

my cowgirl alter-ego said...

I wish, wish, wish too. It's just so unfair that babies are born unwanted every day and you guys are here and ready to be such great parents. We are praying for you. I hope your break come soon.

heidi said...
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Heidi said...

There aren't enough stars in the sky to make all of our wishes come true is there?

I wish I know what to say/do to make your pain easier.

Ali said...

I wish all that for you too. I am so sorry. Sending you both a big hug

Jen said...

I hope those wishes come true for you. I'm sorry you're feeling down. Sending a hug to you sweetie!

Anonymous said...

I wish all of those things and more for you two too! But I feel, and know in my heart, that someday those wishes will be replaced with new ones....like, "I wish she'd stop rolling her eyes at me!"

sending a great big ol cyber hug to you both!!!!

laura said...

I wish too-
and may all these wishes be heard- and your fondest one granted.
Hugs dear ones-

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, unfortunately. This is such a hard road. I just know that one precious day will come that it all seems worth it and we will be so thankful that we didn't give up hope.

Stacey said...

I wish you all the best.. i prayed for you the other night, and I dont pray!!! so thats got to help!! ;-)
We are always sending positive thoughts your way....

Lizzie said...

You've had far more pain than you deserve (anyone deserves) on this journey. Sending love.

Bobby Crow said...

An extra wish for you both from the Bobby!!! Loving you guys!

Anonymous said...

Time can be cruel..........it can also bring us amazing gifts. Time is moving slow but I bet it's because your gift is going to be extra special. I am wishing with you.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to pass th due date.

I wish you didn't have to.

JoeyfromSC said...

Add my wish! It will happen for y'all:)

Anonymous said...

Awh girls. I'm so so sorry. Lots of love your way. This will happen!

Sparroweye said...

Well, if wishes can get a hot line to heaven, there are a lot of them up there. You need to throw yourselves in to things to get your mind far from the outcomes. And just have fun. The cruise should do it.

Anonymous said...

Wishing with you. I know the dates are so hard. Keep dreaming, keep believing. oxox jo

MamaD said...

Wishes do come true....BNB. I wish you didn't have to try so hard for a miracle that comes unwittingly to so many. I'm sure your flowers gave you more growing room for what is to come...xoxox

msfitzita said...

I'm so very, very sorry. It's just not fair.

katherine said...

I wish I could help your wishes come true...


Thinking of you both, right now.