Hopefully it's nothing. There are lots of women who spot throughout pregnancy, but I would be worried too. It's good that you are going to the doctor. My thoughts are with you two.
I spotted at 13 DPO, one day after my positive HPT (and several more times throughout the pregnancy). All was well. I'm guessing implantation bleeding, too. My thoughts are with you.
I spotted also in the beginning with my 2nd pregnancy! Try to stay positive! It is probably nothing to worry about, but seeing the doc is a good idea for peace of mind! HUGS!!!!
Same thing happend to my daughter.....her daughter will be two in December.....yep we were scared....but everything turned out ok.....same with you......sometimes that happens....
I spotted lightly for three months with every pregnancy. Do not panic. The first pregnancy it was scary, by the third it was just "me". Also we have had in our family some unusual pregnancy's to say the least. Roberts wife Miranda was pregnant, miscarried (or so the doctor said) two weeks later the test showed her still pregnant. I believe she was carrying twins and only miscarried one. So Felicity was actually a twin. There was no time or insemination between those tests. It had to be two embyro's.
Praying very very hard, ladies. if you have not yet had clotting issues check please encourage them to do so- your history mirrors some very familiar stories to me- and it was all MTHR and clot related. HUGS!
Normal. Implanting. Believe.
Hopefully it's nothing. There are lots of women who spot throughout pregnancy, but I would be worried too. It's good that you are going to the doctor. My thoughts are with you two.
praying for you....xo
I bet it's implantation bleeding...
I am praying and hoping for you guys.
I spotted at 13 DPO, one day after my positive HPT (and several more times throughout the pregnancy). All was well. I'm guessing implantation bleeding, too. My thoughts are with you.
It's most likely nothing. I really really hope so. I spotted on 12 and 13dpo and didn't even test until 13dpo to get my positive.
Thinking of you.
I spotted also in the beginning
with my 2nd pregnancy! Try to stay
positive! It is probably nothing to
worry about, but seeing the doc is
a good idea for peace of mind!
Praying for you guys...
I too spotted at 12DDO, it terrified me, but was implantation bleeding.
Good luck!
Hang in there...
I had spotting too, and we were fine and have ava, try not to stress and let us know how u go xx thinking of u guys x
Same thing happend to my daughter.....her daughter will be two in December.....yep we were scared....but everything turned out ok.....same with you......sometimes that happens....
I spotted very light pink 3dp9dt or 12dpo. They considered it implantation spotting and thought nothing of it.
Of course, it scared the holy crap out of me. Especially since I had previous miscarriages.
Hang in there --- pink spots aren't bad - hopefully just your little embryo digging in.
P.S. Everyone that I know that's had spotting has gone on to have a baby girl.
Implating...I belive.
I had with my son.
I spotted lightly for three months with every pregnancy. Do not panic. The first pregnancy it was scary, by the third it was just "me". Also we have had in our family some unusual pregnancy's to say the least. Roberts wife Miranda was pregnant, miscarried (or so the doctor said) two weeks later the test showed her still pregnant. I believe she was carrying twins and only miscarried one. So Felicity was actually a twin. There was no time or insemination between those tests. It had to be two embyro's.
Hope things are ok... I am sure they will be, this is your time, it has to be xxxx
i spotted...or bled even, with jude, about 13-15dpo. i believe all is well. i will be thinking of you today.
Praying very very hard, ladies. if you have not yet had clotting issues check please encourage them to do so- your history mirrors some very familiar stories to me- and it was all MTHR and clot related.
Thinking of you and praying for very, very good news.
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