Welcome To Our Garden

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just a note...

to let yall know we haven't totally fallen off the face of earth.

Actually we're getting ready to hop back on the TTC train!

Yep, that's right! We're gonna give it another try.

We purchased our surfers today for next months lucky try #8.

8 is REALLY lucky right? ;o)

We'll keep ya posted.


Ali said...

Glad to hear from you. I think #8 is very lucky!

Liz said...

8 is my favorite #!! neti g's too! yay! keeping you two in my thoughts! wooot! xo

Lizzie said...

ooooh! so exciting! so glad to see you back in the game!

N said...

Hurrah! So glad to see you back around here.

welcome2ourworld said...

I totally LOVE number 8 !! I was born in August...8...sooo..yeeeah, number 8 is perfect :)

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Glad you're back!! Missed checking in on you and best wishes and good luck with TTC #8. Here's hoping for a little one for you two! Take care and keep us posted!

Merr said...

Yay thanks for checking in! We worry about you guys!

Unknown said...

I'm happy and excited for you both! I think 8 is a very good number. Thank you so much for the birthday card. I'm going to call you soon! xo

Mimi said...

Glad you are ok....I have been wondering about you guys....I will be sending all of my baby wishes to the both of you.....you guys would be good parents......

Mimi said...

p.s. 8 is a lucky number for me and my family hopefully it will be for you.....I was born on Dec 8, my husband was born on June 8, my son was born on March 8, my daughter was born in the 8th month(aug 27) and my grand daughter was born Oct. 8......so lucky 8 to you!

E and M, jumpingoutoftrees said...

Excellent. It WILL happen.

Anonymous said...

Timing is everything. I would encourage you to test for the "surge" three times a day. 6am, 12 pm, and 6 pm. Use your monitor in the morning and then store bought sticks for the afternoon and evening check. This way you know within a few hours of WHEN the surge started.

Do you feel ovulation pain? If so, get the swimmers in there BEFORE that pain. Is you don't, inseminate about 24 hours after your surge is detected. If you only test once a day you could have surged at noon the day before and missed your window.

You might want to consider a clinic that does it on Sunday's as well.

Super excited that you are trying again. Obviously, I watch your blog everyday.

Feel free to ignore my advice as well. Just my random thoughts about your process.

tbean said...

It's always great to hear from you guys!

Anonymous said...

welcome back!!!!

A said...

Very exciting getting back on the TTC Train. I hope #8 treats you well! {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you both have not given up.


CJ said...

Eight is one more luckier than seven! Woo hoo! Crossing my fingers and sending baby dust your way!!

Jen said...

Yay!!! So happy for you guys. Keep us posted ;)

Stacey said...

That's great news! Here is hoping that 8 is very lucky for you . x

laura said...

I was so happy to see a new post- I was starting to feel like you had completely given up!

Yay for #8!

Holly said...

Great to hear from you! Glad you are back in the game! Lucky #8 sounds good to me!

Michelle said...




Anonymous said...

Oh YAY!!!!!!!!

8 is the best number ever!!!

Teaberry said...

best of luck! 8 sounds great--it's so... symmetrical and perfect!