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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weekend stuff

M and I went out to eat Friday night and look what we found in the tree next to our truck. A nice big swarm of bees! M called animal control who then called a bee keeper who came and whisked them away. I wonder how many people walked by them and didn't even notice?

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Camping Saturday night was ok. Nothing exciting. It rained off and on the entire drive but thankfully stopped when we got there. Camping in a tent, in the rain, is NO fun. The sunset that evening was beautiful.

Kayaking Sunday was great! The weather was perfect and there was lots of sun and just enough shade along the river bank for a break now and then. (I still ended burnt tho). The river was flowing nicely and we hardly had to paddle. I didn't get to take as many pictures as I had planned because...well....my camera got soaked! The one and only rapid big enough to toss any water in my boat kinda caught me off guard and I couldn't get my camera back in the dry bag fast enough! Tucking it underneath my shirt didn't do much. :o) So the last half of the trip will only be recorded in my head...not in pics. You can see what pics I was able to take here.

My camera is fine now. It just needed to dry out.

I didn't flip.

The boats still need to be hung in the garage.

Is it cruise time yet?


Lizzie said...

Gorgeous pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Totally beautiful shots of the camping ground, sunset, water, boats, etc. Glad your camera survived!

Merr said...

Oh my gosh those bees! I would have freaked out. I have never seen anything like that before. Your camping sounds fun and I can't wait to go ourselves.

Anonymous said...

omg, those bee's gave me the chills!.

Teaberry said...

We went kayaking for the first time last year and really enjoyed it. We don't have a ton of experience, by any means-- only one lesson, but it was a good one-- but I am wondering about the kayaking excursion off the boat.... You're going on that one, right? Do you think it would be too hard for us? I think Juju would like that, and I know I would.

Oh, and those bees scared the crap out of me, too. That's too strange.... what makes them all clump up like that? Yikes!

A Okay said...

Very cool pictures. Arlene's brother loves kayaking. He is 6'7" and has trouble fitting into his kayak. So he built one to fit him! I think he is almost finished with it. I'll have to see if I can find the pictures. It's 19 ft long.
We are very excited about the upcoming cruise!

A Okay said...
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G said...

the bees are very freaky!!! scary really! glad you had fun camping, but sorry about your camera!!!!

Anonymous said...

The bee thing was amazing but kinda freaky.....
Cruise time....18 more day :)

katherine said...

Omg, those bees are scary looking! And it is sooooo close to cruise time, you lucky ducks!@

Anonymous said...

Great pics - those bees are insane!!! There are SOO many of them!!! Sounds like you had a good time though - the cruise will be amazing I'm sure - I'm so excited for y'all!

Heidi said...

Thinking about you.